After a wonderful week in California, I boarded a plane back to the Midwest. My "tour" was continuing in Minnesota, visiting my many friends who have moved there in recent years. It also just so happened that three of the four people I was visiting there had just had babies! Thankfully, they were so gracious and still willing to host me despite it being a rather crazy time in their lives. The focus of this time was less on experiencing Minneapolis, and more on being there during an important time in my friends' lives, and getting to meet their new babes. Because of this, were were a little distracted and didn't take many pictures together, but here are a few that we have to document the time!
My good friend Cristina and her sweet two-week old Matteo. I had no idea there was a waterfall in Minnesota! |
Daniela and I didn't get a picture together when I was in Minnesota in August, but we took one when we saw each other again in September. |
I loved spending time with my friend (and "cousin") Andrea and her baby Eamon. Andrea not only had a newborn, but had also just moved to a new town and new house! She was a great host, especially at such a busy time! |
Andrea and her husband had just moved to open a Cross Fit gym. I completed my first Cross Fit workout at their gym, and it was actually fun! |
My friend Liz and I hadn't seen each other in nearly 15 years! We were inseparable best friends as children, but then Liz moved to Minnesota in the middle of 7th grade. It was so fun to reminisce about the past and catch up on the present! |
While in the Midwest, I also got to spend a weekend with my college best friend and bridesmaid, Rachel. Rachel is from Arizona, but recently moved to Milwaukee. I was quite happy about that, as it should be much easier to see her when I am visiting home. Rachel also had just had her first child, so I got to meet sweet little Jonah. Jonah was perhaps the quietest baby I've ever met. Sometimes I forgot he was there, as I don't think I heard him cry once in the three days I was visiting! I loved spending time with Rachel and her husband Thomas, as well as seeing Milwaukee for the first time.
As the Fall began, the pace picked up quickly. As soon as I returned to Iowa City, I started my first semester of Grad school, started substitute teaching in Iowa City, and completed Body Pump Certification training and taping. More about the Fall later!
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